Friday, March 4, 2016

LOL -- A Story of Momentum

They say that it doesn't matter how many times you get knocked down, but how many times you get back up. I hope it's true, because it is this notion (and perhaps this alone) which keeps me getting back up.

My plans of "winning" NaNoWriMo in my first year of entry were quickly and ruthlessly dispatched by an illness (more on this in a moment) which lasted nearly throughout November, into Thanksgiving. Momentum is a funny creature. Or it is for me, at any rate. I'm a creature of momentum, both fair and foul. And the combination of being sick, attending a writing workshop (which I was also doing in November), and feeling obligated to churn out words at an unprecedented rate, conspired to absolutely drain me of my momentum and knock me down. But not out.

Winter quickly became a period of survival for me (as it often is). But having finally made it through the holidays and another bout of illness which, no lie, basically put my family out of commission for the entire month of Februrary, I'm ready to dust myself off again and get back to work.

First, a bit of a status update:

I've had some successes, despite myself. The crown jewel (thus far) is certainly winning the Michael J. Sullivan Short Story Contest. My short story "The Methuselah Treatment" was published in the bittersweet month of November, alongside Mr. Sullivan's novel, The Death of Dulgath. Very exciting!

In addition, I've been published by The Future Fire, and I have stories upcoming through GoAL (Glimpse of Anthropomorphic Literature), the anthology Fragments of Life's Heart, and the Sci Phi Journal!

So that's momentum, too. I just need to seize it and not let it go again, come what may. Let's see how far we can go!